Montag, 5. Mai 2014


Nemo est, qui nesciat DACOS ferocissimos saevissimosque fuisse. Saepe trans Danuvium in Imperium Romanum invadebant. Tres expeditiones eos puniendi causa Romanis male evenerunt! PHIL BARKER scribit: "Roman punitive expeditions sent by Domitian in 85 and 87 A.D. ended in disaster, and a third in 88 A.D., although claimed as a victory, ended in the Romans giving hostages and paying tribute."
Imperatore Traiano vero Romani duo bella maiora contra Dacos gesserunt (annis 101-102 et 105-106 p. Chr. n.). Quibus bellis Dacia omnis subacta et provincia facta est.
Plerique Dacorum peditatus erant. Non in conferta acie pugnabant. Quorum arma hastae (lanceae; anglice: javelins), scuta, gladii breves aut longi erant. Pauci cum arcu armati erant (Barker: recurved composite bow). Telum maxime terribile "falx" erat, ferrum longum atque curvum perticae affixum. Falce duabus manibus utebantur. PHIL BARKER scribit:
"However, the weapon that caught the Roman imagination most was the Falx...This seems to have been especially the weapon of the Dacian's Bastarnae allies...".
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